Who Are We?
Loftin-Spates Tax Service specializes in tax preparation and bookkeeping for a wide variety of clients. We specialize in:
* tax return filing and tax planning for individuals
* small business (Sole Proprietors) tax return filings
* tax bookkeeping Sole Proprietors (Schedule C) filing
Annual participation in Continuing Professional Education courses offered by local chapters of national accounting and tax associations keeps the firm on the "leading edge" of ever-changing tax laws and accounting methods.
Computerized offices and internet access ensures clients accurate, efficient, state-of-the-art service at a competitve price.
Visit the "Services" area of our site to learn more about the many accounting and tax services available to individuals and businesses.
Visit the "Contact Us" page for information regarding how to reach us via telephone, fax, e-mail or mail.
We're here to assist you